February 21, 2011

Thoughts to Chew on

Food never delivers on its promises.

Food only has the power that we give to it.

Running to a food stronghold = Giving power to the powerless.

Only God satisfies.

God is always enough.

God makes me be enough.

David and Goliath....a battle between Truth and Lies. What appears to be bigger is actually smaller...when God is added.
* Little David vs. Big Goliath..
*Saul's Armor vs. a Slingshot
Reality: The Small kid won...because he had a bigger God!

Triggers are only as powerful as the power we give them.

God is more powerful than any trigger.

Triggers set off our pain.

Emotions are attached to a wound. Jesus heals wounds. Jesus heals emotions.
The triggers of Who, What, When, and Where...Do I respond to God or react and run to food?

When triggered...what are you feeling?

Why do you think you are feeling...angry, guilty, afraid....?

Respond instead of reacting to a trigger...
Acknowledge how you are feeling.
Acknowledge the circumstance that is bringing up the emotion.
Bring God's truth into the circumstance and emotion.

Emotions are attached to a wound. Jesus heals wounds. Jesus heals emotions.

Food was the only thing in my life that I could control, when everything else around me was out of control.
I couldn't control the deep seated emotions which were emerging.
I coulnd't control my circustances,
I couldn't control what others thought about me..
I couldn't control how others treated me.....
......so I chose food to control!

What I was controlling controlled me!

God is the Master Controller over my emotions, circumstances, people...over all triggers.


  1. Thank you for sharing all this! I have been struggling with body image for my whole life I think. I never feel truly happy or content despite my loving family and husband. He tells me how much he loves me no matter what and I believe him...but I don't believe that he likes how I look no matter what he says. How can he when I don't? It is robbing me of the joy of even looking at pictures of oour children because all I see is a fat me...so sad, I know. So thank you for sharing this.

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart. Oh boy do I know how you feel, as that is how I lived my whole married life. Never feeling good enough. Never able to receive the love that my husband had/has for me. I never was able to receive because it was me that I loathed. How could I receive the love that others had for me, if I didn't feel lovable. No matter how hard I "performed" to be perfect or how "good" that I looked, or how thin I got...it was never enough. Changing the outside of me, could never heal that deep wound in my heart. It wasn't until I was I healed inside, accepted and loved for just being Joni...that I was able to accept the love of others. I so know how you feel. You will rise above this and be able to receive the love that you crave.
    I would so love to talk with you, as I could have written all that you have wrote. Please visit my website jonicjones.com and fill out the contact form so you can email me personally...and I can respond.
    Peace to you....
