January 22, 2014

Week One: You are not Alone!

The book of Joshua begins with God commissioning Joshua as Moses’ successor. FEAR enters in as now they are to enter the promised land, unknown territory, without their leader. But then God COMMANDS them to not be afraid, to not be terrifed, to not be discouraged. 
 Facing Fear...to look at turbulent waters ahead of you that you have to cross. It sounds crazy as you have to face fear in order for it to be removed. But we are told many times,  just as  Joshua is (see 1:9. 8:1. 10:8, 10:25, 11:6) to not be afraid.
Fear...is one of the bricks that makes up this brick wall, as it is one of the triggers that makes you want to run and hide. 

Fear of being judged, criticized, being ugly, not good enough, not thin enough, never losing the weight, never having a healthy relationship with food or with others, fear of being just you...and the list goes on.
 FEAR...creates a brick wall. It paralyzes, but you still feel you have to do something because we are HUMAN-BEINGS...
 So we DO SOMETHING...to take away the fear... we feed it...we feed our fears by fearing our fears, instead of looking at them.
Look at the mirror on the wall.
What are you first thoughts when you think of a mirror?
The mirror creates a reflection of you...the outside shell of you.
How we avoid the mirror or use it to decorate ourselves so we appear to look better and to feel better than we really are.
Going to the outside to make the inside feel better. Trying to decorate the lies you have believed about yourself for so long, so they will go away. But decorating them has no power, to change the heart.  
The BRICK WALL:  what does this represent to you?
It is solid. Firm. Unbreakable. Made up of bricks.
A fortress erected to protect. To not let anything in or anything out.
This wall represents a stronghold. Food built this wall. Poor body image built this wall. Whatever it may be, it is there. But then there is a mirror on the wall. A mirror for us to look in, a mirror that goes right to the heart. The fear of seeing the you that you try to hide. The fear of seeing your broken heart. The fear of facing the lies you were told that made you feel so unlovable.
BUT there is only one way to face the fear...to look into the mirror and the answer is in reading the handwriting on the wall.
 We are commanded to NOT be afraid...why... because God is with you.
What happens when you are weak, terrified, cowardly...do you run to food to give you courage, strength, encouragement...or do you run to your Father who is with you and who promises to give you all that you need in that moment?
When God is with you, you are able to walk with grace to the mirror of your heart. The fears are real, as they are what you are feeling. Allow the fears to open up your heart to why they are there. As you walk with Him, the bricks that make up your wall begin to tumble down, as God becomes your stronghold, your refuge, your protection. 
As you begin to face your fears that may be in the way of your facing the food stronghold that is in your life, rest assure that you are not alone. You have someone who is willing to walk with you as He gets to the heart that is eating you with His tender love. Brick by brick they will come tumbling down, as you begin to surrender your all to Him.

So take the hand of the One who will be with you wherever you go...and believe that He will provide the courage and the encouragement you need along the way. 

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