January 30, 2014

Purge your Heart to the Lord

                      Wish You Were Here
I just received a postcard, from a very dear friend,
Who lives far far away, but one whom I depend.
I knew I was thought of, as the words were sincere,
Beginning with... "Dear Joni, I wish you were here..."

I smiled with joy, as someone was thinking of me,
In a way that they were wishing, with them I could be.
I was a bit confused, as I had sent the same note,
Awaiting a response, to what I had I wrote.

As I looked at the postcard, I couldn't believe my eyes,
This special someone, was finally answering my cry.
I took a deep breath, as I didn't know what to think
As I began to read the words, that were written in gold ink...

"I received your postcard, and your message was clear...
That you wish I was with you, as you wrote,
                                                "Wish you were here".
I have three words to tell you, and please take them to heart,
"I AM Here" my child, as I have been, right from the start.

You don't have to wish anymore,
                                        because I'm right by your side,
Through this journey called life, I'm along for the ride.
In good times and bad, you can count on me,
Living inside of you, is where I will always be.

So Joni, I Wish you were Here....believing in my name,
Trusting in me, you will never be the same.
Thanks for your postcard, I'm returning it back to you,
Love God, and PS... I truly love you too."

I got the message, loud and clear...
That God never left me, as He is right "here".
"Here" in the moment, "Here" in my day
"Here" even when things, aren't going my way.
He's my Father in Heaven,
and my Father "Here" on this earth,
He's always been with me, since the day of my birth.

The postcards I send Him now,
are filled with my thanks & a prayer,
Because I am certain, that He is Here...as He is Everywhere.
May you be filled with peace, knowing that the Lord is with you...no matter where you may be,
no matter what you may be feeling,
no matter your circumstances.

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